Thursday, April 17, 2014

Regression Much?

I just had the oddest most random conversation. It was all about the brain and the eyes and so on and on...
Him: Where'd you get the name EyeBite from?
Me: All emotions come most strongly from the eyes.
Him: I'm still confused about the bite part...
Me: Theres almost nothing more personal than if you decided to bite someone. Your mouth, even when speaking, is one of your most personal weapons. When I cant verbally explain how I feel whether good or bad, my eyes always tell.
Him: I figured that was where you was getting at but I hate to assume...I personally think the emotional focus is more relied upon the brain since that processes the information took in from all senses
Me: True I get that but often times I personally know that my face (eyes in particular ) portray my first emotion before the full process. My eyes have a knee jerk reaction before I think about it.
Him: Of course, I do that too which is why the eyes is my primary focus (windows to the soul) but I think that would be tied to my  subconscious..Like when face with immediate danger your subconscious overrides everything for survival
Me: I don't put my subconscious with my brain personally. I feel as though it has more of a connection with my soul. The soul, when you let it be, is your guide. So when I'm listening to my subconscious I feel as though I am letting my soul speak and do. I believe in past lives so my subconscious is what I believe to be the part of my soul that holds all of the past lessons I've learned.
    Him: If you are aware of your subconscious self as in to actually be able to listen/control, then your level of spirituality is at god-conscious I far as past lives I don't believe in that, sounds to much like possession to me..I believe in purgatory
    Me: To each his/her own. Its not about being god-conscious to me. It's about that balance of inner peace and extremes. To understand yourself is to understand the why of life. I believe in past lives because there's no way that everything I am meant to learn and accomplish and understand can come from one life time. But thats just my opinion. odd...
I honestly love when people come to me and talk on a spiritual level but sometimes it catches me so off guard its odd.
I guess thats just my life